Boost Your React Skills With Practice


Use this course to build real front-end applications using modern React technologies. Solve the same practical problems experienced React developers face daily.


Practice First

Build real things to learn. Use new skills in practical situations, just like on an actual project.

Only Relevant Skills

Gain skills that will make you a more valuable developer.

Expert Code Review

We'll find all your mistakes and give you a plan to go to the next level.

This Course Is for You, If

  • You Want to Become Middle Developer Faster

    This course consists entirely of modern technologies and best practices. You’ll quickly get the skills required to advance to a middle-level position.

  • You Need Real Practice to Land Your First Job

    By the time you finish this course, you'll clearly understand real front-end tasks and feel confident in solving them. Plus, the valuable project you complete will be an excellent addition to your portfolio.

  • You Want to Identify and Strengthen Your Weak Points

    You’ll get detailed feedback from experts on your work. From this, we'll create a personalized learning plan, guiding you to improve and reach the next level of expertise.


How This Course Works

    Learn With Practice

    This practice-first course focuses on writing real code and takes about 20 hours to complete.

    Complete Modules

    The course is split into 4 modules, each with its own learning materials, explanations, and designs

    Get Code Review

    After finishing each module, pass a code review to move on to the next one.

    Build The Real Project

    After finishing all the modules, you'll end up with a real working app for you portfolio.

    Receive Final Feedback

    We'll make a personalized learning plan for you and provide all the resources you need to keep improving.

Course Content

  • 00
    Module 0 - Getting Started (Optional)

    This first module is all about setting up and configuring the development environment. You'll learn how to set up a modern front-end application using Vite, along with other tools like ESLint, Prettier, PostCSS, and TypeScript. If you're already good with this, you can skip ahead and get the source code right away.

  • 01
    Module 1 - Crafting a UI-Kit

    You’ll learn how to create reusable UI components and style them with SCSS modules. We’ll write our own solutions and try out the popular headless UI library. In general, this skill is essential for any front-end developer.

  • 02
    Module 2 - Mastering API Integration

    You’ll learn how to interact with a server effectively. This module covers fetching data, handling errors, revalidating, and managing server state. You'll practice the React-Query in action, a great fetching library.

  • 03
    Module 3 - Client State Management

    You'll learn how to handle client state properly and master the Redux Toolkit. Redux Toolkit is the most popular state manager and is required in many vacancies.

  • 04
    Module 4 - Putting It All Together

    In the end module, you’ll bring everything together to create a fully functional application. This app will be a great showcase for your portfolio showing all your new practical skills.

What Will We Build

Pizza-ordering app with complex functionality:

  • Main Page
  • Infinite Pizza List
  • Shopping Cart
  • Sorters & Filters
  • Order Checkout
  • Many More Features!

This application is designed to include the most practical tasks an experienced front-end developer does.

What You Will Learn
Main Skills You’ll Get:
  • Building modern frontend applications
  • Creating custom components (UI kit)
  • Interacting with backend (API)
  • Managing client state (Redux)
  • Writing strictly typed code (Typescript)
  • Implementing responsive designs
  • And much more
Technologies You’ll Practice:
Redux Toolkit
React Query
React Router

Why This Course

Not Just Another Boring Video Course

Only Relevant Skills

Personalized Feedback

Expert Code Review

Great Portfolio Project

Self-Paced Course

Money Back Guarantee

You can get a refund at any time. Within the first module, we’ll return the full amount. From the first module, we’ll calculate the refund amount based on your progress.


Optimal Plan
  • 20 Hours of Practice
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Expert Code Reviews
  • Personalized Learning Plan
  • Portfolio Ready Project
Still Have Questions?

Contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible.

Answering Your Questions

What Should I Already Know to Successfully Complete the Course?

You should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and React. This course is structured for those who are willing to learn independently. We provide essential references, but you'll need to actively engage in self-learning to make the most of the course.

What if I'm not satisfied with the course?

We offer a money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied after the first module, you can get a full refund. From the first module, we’ll recalculate the refund amount based on your progress.

Is there support available if I get stuck?

You will always have access to the source code of the module. Also, our team is available to help you through any challenges you encounter during the course.

How long is the course?

The course is designed to take about 20 hours to complete, but it's self-paced, so you can take as long as you need.